One or more AC units have dropped from the control display and app


The Affected AC Unit may not have Power

It is likely that the AC unit has disconnected because it is no longer powered. Check the isolator switch next to your outside fan unit of the affected AC is switched ON. Also, check that the AC circuit in your electrical switchboard is switched ON. Consult an electrician or AC installer if you need help with this.

The Affected AC Unit may not be wired correctly to AirTouch

This will require support from your AC installer, because it may be down to a wiring issue between AirTouch and the affected AC unit that needs fixing or incorrect dip switch settings on the unit gateway. Your AC Installer can find the wiring diagrams, and necessary dip switch settings in the installer manuals.

The Affected AC Unit may be faulty

In this case, consult your AC installer or manufacturer�s support centre for further assistance.

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